Prayer requested for Nazarenes in Asia-Pacific city

Prayer requested for Nazarenes in Asia-Pacific city

by | 18 Feb 2015

The Church of the Nazarene's Asia-Pacific Regional Office shared the following urgent prayer request Wednesday morning, local time:

Please pray for three families that have been brought to Christ through careful discipleship and who have recently been baptized in one of the cities here on the Asia-Pacific Region. Also pray for the Nazarene minister who is discipling them and the leadership team of the Nazarene church.

These families have already been called in to give an explanation to local government officials, the police, and other important social figures who do not agree with their actions and their desire to be a part of a Protestant church.

They are being called in again in the next 24 hours and will be accompanied by the Nazarene minister who has been discipling them and the leadership team of the Nazarene church.

This meeting could have a serious impact on these three families, and also could well have wide ranging implications for the work of the church.

Please pray for wisdom, peace, calmness, and courage for these three families and the Nazarene leaders who are with them, as well a strong sense of God's presence in their homes and in these meetings with government officials. Pray also for the government officials, that they will make decisions that are pleasing to God.

More information will be posted as it is made available.




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