Thank Offering provides opportunity to support ministry, presence of Church

Thank Offering provides opportunity to support ministry, presence of Church

by | 29 Sep 2017

To our global Nazarenes:

The last few months have been difficult in the lives of many of our sisters and brothers in our global family. However, in the midst of numerous disasters, we have reflected what it means to truly be the Church.

Nazarenes around the world have joined together to continue the biblical example found throughout Scripture and captured in 1 Chronicles 16:34: “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” We have reached around the world, loving and supporting one another and those within our communities who are in crisis. This is what happens when we are transformed by the good news of the gospel. 

In the midst of difficulty, we realize that we have abundant blessings from God. Therefore, we respond by giving thanks to God and bringing an unselfish gift for the World Evangelism Fund. Without the Church — spread in communities throughout the world — we would never be able to reach so many with the transforming good news of the Gospel. Our shared resources testify to our strong commitment to Christ and His Church.

Please consider joining us, your Board of General Superintendents, in a sacrificial gift for the Thank Offering during this critical time in the life of the Church. The world desperately needs the Church to live out her holy calling, bringing the good news of Jesus to the places of greatest need. Suggested dates are 19 November globally and 8 October in Canada.

To give, or to download resources to help promote this offering, visit


With thankful hearts,

The Board of General Superintendents

Eugénio R. Duarte

David W. Graves

David A. Busic

Gustavo A. Crocker

Filimão M. Chambo

Carla D. Sunberg




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