Former Trevecca professor passes away

Former Trevecca professor passes away

by | 03 May 2016

Ann Fuqua, former professor of biology at Trevecca Nazarene University, passed away April 27.

Chris Farrell, professor emeritus of biology, worked with Fuqua for many years, from 1995 until her retirement in 2007. He remembers a kind friend, a teacher who loved her students, but wasn’t particularly known for punctuality.

“She would call me and say ‘I’m going to be a few minutes late. Would you go tell my class?’” he remembered. “She was not an early morning person, but she could stay up until 2 or 3 a.m. working on a variety of projects.”

Farrell lauded Fuqua’s dedication to her students and teaching. She often offered summer classes to help area teachers learn how to better teach science in their classrooms, Farrell said.

Sam Stueckle, professor of mathematics, agreed.

“Dr. Ann Fuqua was one of the most compassionate and wise people I have ever known,” he said. “She cared very deeply about her students. As a department chair, she was always available if I needed to talk. She would always patiently listen and then have wise words to say.”

Lena Welch, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, knew of Fuqua when she was a student at Trevecca, though she never had her as a professor.

“I recognized even then that she was a woman in a leadership position at a time when there really weren’t a lot of women in positions of leadership,” Welch said.

Later, when Welch became a member of Trevecca’s faculty, she remembers Fuqua as an unofficial mentor of sorts. Fuqua offered advice and insight that Welch treasured.

“She was a woman with a sense of humor, a quick smile, and was always encouraging,” Welch said. “She was so instrumental in making Trevecca what it is today. Dr. Fuqua paved the way for all women who are in leadership positions. She was exceptional.” 

In lieu of flowers, the Fuqua family asks that gifts be made to the Fuqua Biology Scholarship at Trevecca Nazarene University. Checks may be made payable to Trevecca with Fuqua Memorial written on the memo line. Gifts may also be made online at

--Trevecca Nazarene University




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