

Dr. Bill Sawyer accepted the assignment as the chief administrative officer for the Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center and the Board of General Superintendents' chief of staff beginning April 27, 2016. Dr. Sawyer reports to the Board of General Superintendents, providing onsite leadership for various denominational ministry executives. These responsibilities and functions are non-ecclesiastical and administrative in nature and have been handled historically by the BGS. In addition, he provides leadership for the denominational communications, stewardship development, human resources, business services, organizational risk, and IT functions of the GMC.
Prior to his appointment, Sawyer was the vice president of financial services for a global organization serving in various capacities over his 18 years with the company. During his career, he led several strategic global initiatives that prepared the company to enter emerging markets and position mature markets for sustainable growth. In addition to his leadership responsibilities in the business sector, Bill served bi-professionally as the senior pastor of Santa Ana First Church of the Nazarene for nine years. Santa Ana is a multicultural, multi-congregational church located in southern California.
Sawyer is a graduate of MNU, Fuller Theological Seminary, and has a Ph.D. in organizational leadership from Regent University. Bill and his wife, Nancy, have been married for over 30 years and are partners in ministry, sharing a passion for Christ, their family, and the Church of the Nazarene. They carry a burden to see a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit through the ministry of prayer that will bring revival to the church and spiritual awaking among the lost.