SANBC enters time of transition

SANBC enters time of transition

Nazarene News Staff
| 20 Mar 2025

Last year, South Asia Nazarene Bible College celebrated its 25th anniversary. Through all those years, Simon Jothi has been deeply involved in its life and work: first as dean and then, since 2010, as principal.  

On 1 June 2025, Jothi will step down from that role to move into a new assignment with a sister holiness body in India while still committed to supporting the work of the Church of the Nazarene.

Jothi grew up as an orphan in India. When he was 6 years old, both his parents succumbed to cancer, and for the next 13 years, he lived at a Christian boarding school for boys. At 17, he attended a Christian youth meeting, where he accepted Christ.

Feeling a call to ministry, Simon attended South India Biblical Seminary, and following graduation, he and his wife took on ministry assignments before joining the staff of SANBC. He subsequently completed a Master of Arts in Religion (Christian Education) from Northwest Nazarene University.

South Asia Nazarene Bible College serves the Church of the Nazarene in five nations and two fields: India and South Asia. Though it has an administrative base in Bangalore, its decentralized program is delivered in over a dozen languages at multiple satellite centers in 23 districts, using a wide range of part-time faculty. 

“My mission focus will be teaching and equipping people called for ministry,” Jothi said. “It is the gift God has blessed me with, and that will be done where the need arises. This will allow me to help and serve the Church of the Nazarene.”

Peter Rae, co-regional education coordinator, thanked Jothi for the investment he made in many people's lives during his time at SANBC. 

“Simon Jothi has poured himself into the work of SANBC and has invested in the lives of hundreds of young leaders for the church across the region,” Rae said. “In his quiet way, he has made a huge contribution to the work of God’s kingdom, and our prayers and blessings go with him.”

Prayer is requested for the SANBC Board, led by Subhash Dongerdive, as they prayerfully consider the right appointment for this significant post. 

--South Asia Nazarene Bible College



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