Justice Movement invites participation in Just Water Weekend
The Just Water campaign, launched in July 2015, has sparked students to action. In less than a year's time, The Justice Movement has raised more than $36,000 for clean water. Two holistic water projects in Sri Lanka will be implemented through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries and Nazarene Youth International starting April 1.
Now The Justice Movement and Global Justice Advocate Brooklyn Lindsay are inviting youth, their parents, and churches to participate in Global Just Water Weekend, March 18 and 19 .
All of us can make a difference.
It doesn't matter how big or small it is.
A difference is a difference.
Especially when it changes the world.
Which means, your difference matters.
And we want to invite you to make a difference.
You are part of a bigger story.
The Justice Movement would like to invite you to walk deeper into that story by joining the Just Water community and participating in some practical ways. Whether you're a parent, a church leader, or a teenager, there's something incredible that each of you can do.
With every conversation, our voice is growing and support to change the stories that shouldn't be shift as the CHURCH shifts to empowering teenagers to lead the way.
$12,000 is the goal for ONE community. 500 people can receive a water program that is built on the desires of a community as they learn and seek their basic needs. This type of program is designed to be sustainable, supported by the church, and implemented by incredible development teams who know the communities they work in.
Youth have the opportunity to be involved at every level of this endeavor, which makes this movement so unique. Teenagers get to talk about, participate, prepare, plan, fund raise, and implement solutions that benefit us all--together with local churches.
Check out the youth involved from around the world. Browse the teams and individuals who are saying yes to breaking the cycle at their campaign websites found at justwater.causevox.com.
Challenge yourself to drink JUST WATER for a period of time.
- 7 days
- 40
- 365
The selected COMMUNITIES will receive WATER WELLS, SANITATION FACILITIES, AND HYGIENE EDUCATION PROGRAMS. Stay connected to watch these communities be revealed and restored. You can learn about all of this in our Just Water Curriculum.
Pray for the Just move as we prepare to celebrate new life, new freedoms, and just water.
- Pray for Just Water advocates and fundraising teams
- Pray for WASH communities
- Pray for CHURCHES to respond and participate
Just Water is an initiative of The Justice Movement, a collective voice for justice and compassion in the world. It's TEENAGERS in our churches mobilized to do justice. But they need your help.
They hope for you to join them in solidarity by taking a JUST WATER CHALLENGE too.
They hope you'll see yourself as a BIG part of their story ...
As a people who drink the water, they have to remember the safe water people still need.
As a place where education can liberate and restore hope.
As an event that gives practical experience to youth who desire to help others.
As a fundraiser to support the solutions that change lives.
Every 21 seconds a child dies because of water-related causes. It doesn’t have to be that way.
I invite you. The Just move invites you to be a part of this BIG STORY by
- praying
- fasting
- teaching
- learning
- loving
- giving
- mentoring
- partnering
- supporting the efforts of students
My personal 2016 goals are to raise my voice, raise 12K, and drink Just Water on Wednesdays.
What will your goals be?
Thanks for being a part of the Just Water Story.
Youth pastor & justice advocate