Tribute to Manuel Filimao Tsambe Chambo
Africa Regional Director Filimao Chambo shared the following tribute to his father, Rev. Manuel Filimao Tsambe Chambo:
Grieving and celebrating a life well-lived!
My dad, Rev. Manuel Filimao Tsambe Chambo, has passed into glory on 4 August 2016. He was 78 years old. I sure would have loved to have him around for many more years, but I know that he is home with Jesus. We will miss him dearly and my heart cries out for my mother, Rev. Bessie Luisa Tsambe Chambo, as she mourns and grieves the loss of her husband, friend, ministry partner, and love.
My father was an amazing godly man, preacher of the Word, leader and, above all, a wonderful, excellent, godly father. While I am saddened by his sudden death, I rejoice and celebrate a life well lived and the amazing impact that he made in my personal life, in the family, the church, and the communities where he served and lived. Looking forward to see you on the other side, Dad!