Nazarenes in the News: June 2021

Nazarenes in the News: June 2021

Nazarene News Staff
| 02 Jul 2021

Nazarenes in the News is a compilation of online news articles featuring Nazarene churches or church members.


Oklahoma Nazarene gifted bicycle by church members, co-workers

Enid, Oklahoma

(Enid News & Eagle, 24 June) Bicycles and unity, two of Abe Davenport’s favorite things, came together on Wednesday evening in The Bike Shop.

Davenport, a longtime employee at Northcutt Chevrolet and member at Enid First Church of the Nazarene, walked into The Bike Shop and saw about 20 of his fellow church members and coworkers who had rallied together to buy him a new bicycle.

“I didn’t see this coming,” said Davenport, who was all smiles and speechless as soon as he walked in the doors. “Unity is important, and I believe you need a lot of unity. To see all this right here today is very special.”

To read the rest of the story, click here.


Ohio church to start community garden

Vandalia, Ohio

(WHIO, 15 June) With God’s Grace, a local mobile food pantry, is planning a unique new project aimed at bringing fresher vegetables to its clients in the ongoing fight to stop food insecurity across the Miami Valley.

The nonprofit is pulling in volunteers from around the community and spent Tuesday building eight raised food beds on land contributed by Vandalia Church of the Nazarene.

“What we really are wanting is the food that we are getting to stay fresh for our clients to be able to enjoy,” said Nicole Adkins, With God’s Grace executive director.

Mark Batton, a pastor at Vandalia Church of the Nazarene, said he is excited to see the land full of crops. 

“I do not know how fast or what it will look like, it may start with two or three acres, but there are 12 or 13 here ready to use,” Batton said.

To read the rest of the story, click here.


North Dakota community rallies to help Nazarene church

NITN South Dakota

Minot, North Dakota

(Minot Daily News 29 June) A small church has been able to dream big with the help of two Minot congregations looking to serve their community.

The Pursuit and First Assembly of God teamed up this year in The Pursuit’s annual City Serve event to install siding to advance construction on an addition at Southside Church of the Nazarene. 

The addition will give the Nazarene church not only more space for its activities but also will accommodate an immigration center, where individuals can receive assistance in processing citizenship papers, work visas, and other immigration documents. The Rev. Scott Mehlhoff, pastor at Southside Church of the Nazarene, said the City Serve project has been a blessing.

“It’s just amazing to watch the progress that’s being done,” he said Saturday. “They are basically doing weeks of work.”

To read the rest of the story, click here.


West Virginia church celebrates 100th anniversary

Huntington, West Virginia

(Hearld-Dispatch, 4 June) The Huntington First Church of the Nazarene will celebrate its 100th anniversary this weekend.

Items included in this timeline are articles of historic clothing, pictures, and memorabilia specific to various points in the hundred-year time span. 

“We have some members that have been here for 80 of the past hundred years,” said Associate Pastor Craig Moore. “They’ve been gathering stuff over the years, not necessarily for this but that still add to the memories of their time.”

To read the rest of the story, click here.


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--Compiled by Nazarene News




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