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Radio ministry brings hope during Ebola crisis

Lee and Bouyanue When thousands of Ebola-stricken people in Karnplay City, Liberia, were separated into quarantine camps to prevent the disease from spreading, Nazarenes took an innovative approach to reach them with the hope of Jesus and also combat myths and disinformation about the disease.
15 Dec 2016
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Nazarenes in East Africa train, equip refugees for ministry

As more than half a million refugees seek shelter throughout northeastern Africa, longtime Nazarene missionaries Gabor* and Tafui* Buhari are employing innovative ways to serve them: radio broadcast, training in handicrafts, and reuniting separated family members. One of the tools they have found
21 Sep 2016
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World Mission Broadcast provides personalized audio greetings

Through World Mission Broadcast, Nazarene radio, television, and Internet programs are spreading the good news of Jesus Christ around the world. These programs can reach thousands of viewers, extending beyond borders and barriers to reach the hearts of listeners worldwide. One such program in the
02 Jun 2016
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World Mission Broadcast conducts radio programming training in DRC

Nazarenes in the Democratic Republic of Congo are learning new radio broadcast skills to reach listeners across the country, according to a newsletter from missionaries Gavin and Jill Fothergill. Peet Voges from World Mission Broadcast out of the Regional Office in Johannesburg, South Africa,
12 Feb 2016
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General superintendents partner with World Mission Broadcast to produce radio program

The Board of General Superintendents has partnered with World Mission Broadcast to produce The Way of Holiness , a new radio/podcast program to spread the message of holiness. "The message of holiness is much needed in our world today," said Stan Toler, general superintendent for the Church of the
03 Feb 2011
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In Memoriam beach

In Memoriam: 19 July 2024

18 Jul 2024
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Hortence Balibanga

Hortence and Jacques Balibanga (center), and some of their children.

Celebrating the life, ministry of Hortence…

18 Jul 2024
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Missions team makes impact in Philippines…

18 Jul 2024
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Arizona church sews thousands of dresses…

18 Jul 2024
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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