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Baptisms Guatemala

Over 1500 baptized across Guatemala

More than 1,500 people from 116 churches on the Nazarene Verapaz del Norte District in Guatemala were baptized on 4 September. One week later, they were received as full members in their different congregations.
29 Sep 2022
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Missionary Summer

Young woman shares impact of serving in Missionary Summer

The following is a testimony from Maribel Sánchez about her participation in the Missionary Summer program. Two years ago, I started serving in the missions ministry at my church in Costa Rica.
20 Sep 2022
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Guatemala Quiz

Guatemala church holds first Bible quizzing competition for adults

To celebrate the month of the Bible in Guatemala, the Nazland Church of the Nazarene in Guatemala City held its first Bible quizzing competition for adults. About 25 people participated, with ages ranging from 35 to 65 years.
08 Sep 2022
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St. Lucia Missions Team

Missions team comes alongside St. Lucia church to impact community

Ten missions team members from Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, and Guyana joined the “Called to Serve” short-term missions trip and traveled to St. Lucia to serve alongside the Castries Church of the Nazarene in July for 11 days of ministry and community outreach.
01 Sep 2022
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Costa Rica Children of the Great Artist

Young Costa Ricans share Jesus with more than 500 people

In July, 11 members of Nazarene Youth International from Tibás, Costa Rica, were able to share the gospel at the Children of the Great Artist festival at the Eugene O'Neill Theater. Roughly 500 people attended the event.
23 Aug 2022
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Naza Podcast

Mesoamerica launches new podcast, new episodes of 'Leadership in Perspective'

NazPodcast from Mesoamerica Region Communications is launching a new podcast, Devotionals for Pastors. The podcast will be available in January of 2023 on the following platforms: Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts.
11 Aug 2022
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Puerto Rico district hosts Encuentro 2022

Encuentro 2022 was held on the Western Puerto Rico District with about 100 Puerto Rico residents and 276 people of all ages from other areas of the United States. The groups held VBS and repaired churches that needed updating.
21 Jul 2022
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Honduras kids day

30 children, teens give lives to Christ at Honduras evangelistic event

An evangelistic event in La Lima, Honduras, brought together more than 200 children and teenagers from three communities where the Church of the Nazarene has active discipleship programs. More than 30 of the participants gave their lives to Jesus during this time.
14 Jul 2022
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Meso Evangelism training

Evangelism initiative trainings underway in Mesoamerica Region

Some 250 district leaders were trained through Challenge 2022, an event that is part of the regional evangelism strategy to involve church planters, district evangelism coordinators, and district superintendents in the planting of new churches and in active evangelism
07 Jul 2022
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'Missionary Summer' begins with success in Dominican Republic

A spirit of unity and service characterized the first installment of the missionary “Missionary Summer," when 12 Work & Witness volunteers from North Arkansas in the United States combined with four young leaders from the host country to bless the city of Bonao.
16 Jun 2022
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In Memoriam beach

In Memoriam: 19 July 2024

18 Jul 2024
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Hortence Balibanga

Hortence and Jacques Balibanga (center), and some of their children.

Celebrating the life, ministry of Hortence…

18 Jul 2024
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Missions team makes impact in Philippines…

18 Jul 2024
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Arizona church sews thousands of dresses…

18 Jul 2024
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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