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Cuba Kids

Children's outreach makes impact in Cuba

More than 50 children and their parents from the Cuban community of Moa, Holguín, attended the "Children's Community Impact" held by Missions Mobilization on 22 July 2023.
10 Aug 2023
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Love Your Neighbor blesses multiple Cuba communities 

The Love Your Neighbor missions project was held in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, and 16 additional countries around the world in conjunction with the 30th General Assembly and Conventions. The following is a testimony of what Love Your Neighbor accomplished in Cuba.
13 Jul 2023
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NBI Coban

Instituto Biblico Nazareno celebrates 100 years, honored as historical landmark

The Instituto Biblico Nazareno (Nazarene Bible Institute), the first institution of theological education for the Church of the Nazarene on the Mesoamerica Region, was designated as a historic landmark at the 30th General Assembly and Conventions.
30 Jun 2023
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Meso COM

Missions interest grows in the Caribbean

Every year, hundreds of people are trained in missions in the Mesoamerican Region through the Missionary Orientation Camps (COM) of the Church of the Nazarene. In 2023, that was no different for the Caribbean Field, where 25 people participated virtually in a COM.
09 Jun 2023
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TNT Missions

Trinidad and Tobago District emphasizes missions to children

After three years without meeting in person, the Trinidad and Tobago District Nazarene Missions International Council resumed its District’s Children’s Bible Camp in April to tell a missionary story to 57 eager children.
01 Jun 2023
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Discover Missions

First Discover Missions event helps young people understand missions call

The first-ever global Discover Missions event brought 80 young people from all six regions of the Church of the Nazarene to the Dominican Republic from 13-22 May for an immersive short-term missions opportunity to explore potential calls into missions.
30 May 2023
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Donald Crenshaw

Remembering Donald Crenshaw

Donald Crenshaw, 94, of Olathe, Kansas, passed away 4 May 2023. He was as a retired minister, evangelist, and missionary who served in Argentina from 1961 to 1967 and in the Dominican Republic from 1985 to 1994.
11 May 2023
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Verapaz North District welcomes 10 new churches

The Verapaz North District of Guatemala welcomed 10 new churches in 2022. The churches were presented at the district assembly 17 March as part of the work carried out by the church in the last year.
05 Apr 2023
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Nicaragua Pastor Retreat

More than 100 Nicaraguan pastors equipped through conference

More than 100 pastors and leaders from the four districts of Nicaragua participated in the First National Pastors Conference at the Nazarene Bible Center in San Jorge, Rivas, Nicaragua.
21 Mar 2023
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Dominican Kids

Dominican church brings children ‘The Best Gift’

More than 400 children and adolescents joined a special service called “The Best Gift,” held at the Casa de Bendición Church of the Nazarene in San Juan de la Maguana, Dominican Republic.
16 Mar 2023
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Coastal Sunrise

In Memoriam: 28 June 2024

27 Jun 2024
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Discover Missions

Discover Missions helps over 100 young…

27 Jun 2024
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Shuar Dress

Missionaries give hope, share gospel with…

27 Jun 2024
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AP Pks

Fellowship strengthens bonds in Metro Manila…

27 Jun 2024
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