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The right place: Ministering to Syrian-Armenian refugees

For many Syrian-Armenians who have fled Syria during the past six years of civil war, finding refuge in Armenia is coming home — and not. Zareh Mangilikian knows what it’s like. A jeweler in Yerevan, Armenia, he is also a man who, together with his family, has allowed the Lord to prepare and guide
16 Feb 2017
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The day the refugees fed me

K* and his family arrived at the Bregana border crossing between Croatia and Slovenia not long after the last refugees were allowed through the border. After this, the refugees would be going a different route and no longer going through Slovenia — at least for the moment. Thousands had gone through
20 Oct 2016
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A greater need: Nazarene volunteers serve refugees in Greece, Serbia, Croatia

Photo by Jon Morton The controversial EU-Turkey Deal of March 2016 resulted in expansive EU-nation border closures to tens of thousands of refugees across Europe. In the months before March 23, Courage for the Journey, a ministry of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries on the Central Europe Field, was
12 Oct 2016
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Running for refugees: Nazarenes partner to fund education for Syrian children

On a warm morning in April, more than 2,500 kilometers away from Beirut, Lebanon, a handful of Nazarenes from Germany, Bulgaria, Moldova, Russia, the USA, and Ukraine joined 15,000 participants at the ‘START’ line of a track in Kyiv, Ukraine. Despite their diversity, the Nazarenes shared one common
22 Sep 2016
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A refugee story: Flight from Damascus

At midnight of March 20, 2016, the European Union - Turkey Migrant Deal officially went into effect. The agreement closed the borders that had given 1.5 million people the opportunity to escape their war-torn countries and seek peace and freedom in Europe. Dorothy Tarrant, a UK native and long-term
22 Jun 2016
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Jordan churches welcome refugees

Nazarene churches in Jordan have been providing a place for refugees to receive love, respect, and service for the last four years. In fact, those three words are what the entire ministry is based on, according to Pastor Khalil, who serves a Nazarene congregation in Amman, Jordan. Many of the
19 Feb 2016
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Illinois church members knit hats, scarves for Syrian refugees

Syrian refugees pick out scarves and hats for themselves and their families Friday night at the Muslim Community Center in Chicago. The civil war in Syria has displace more than 7 million people, including 4 million refugees. ( Daily Journal photo) They'll probably never meet. Even if they could,
09 Feb 2016
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Nazarene church helps German town settle refugees

Many refugees headed for Europe come from cultures that place great value hospitality, so there could be no greater expression of love and welcome than the community hosting a big meal for their new neighbors. That’s exactly what happened 17 October when a network of churches and organizations in
02 Dec 2015
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Armenian Nazarenes assist refugees

Refugees travel along train tracks in Hungary (Teanna Sunberg photo). According to the United Nations Refugee Agency, 17,000 Syrians — primarily of ethnic Armenian background — have found refuge in Armenia since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2010. Leaving their belongings, houses, shops,
07 Oct 2015
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Eurasia Nazarenes assist during refugee crisis

For four years, the war in Syria has dragged on. For four years, people have hoped for peace, have lingered in their broken cities, have hung on in spite of reality, but the peace has not come. Instead, new crises have erupted — foremost, the threatening advance of ISIS. As thousands of people fled
11 Sep 2015
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In Memoriam beach

In Memoriam: 19 July 2024

18 Jul 2024
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Hortence Balibanga

Hortence and Jacques Balibanga (center), and some of their children.

Celebrating the life, ministry of Hortence…

18 Jul 2024
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Missions team makes impact in Philippines…

18 Jul 2024
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Arizona church sews thousands of dresses…

18 Jul 2024
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