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Child development centers in Sri Lanka continue serving amid pandemic

Staff at Nazarene child development centers in Sri Lanka have been going above and beyond to help care for their students during the pandemic.
18 Nov 2021
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Africa Explore Event

Africa Explore helps individuals confirm call to missions

The Africa Region’s Engagement and Equipping team, together with the Personnel and NMI team, recently held its first Explore event since the COVID-19 pandemic.
16 Nov 2021
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Nazarenes in the News: October 2021

In October's edition of Nazarenes in the News, a church in Canada received an award for its after-school program, Olivet inaugurated their new president and a Missouri church is addressing local food issues.
29 Oct 2021
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New El Salvador Plant

New Jersey church plants congregation in El Salvador

A New Jersey church is planting a congregation in a small village in El Salvador thanks to the Facebook Live services the church began hosting during the COVID-19 pandemic.
22 Oct 2021
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Kudjip Nazarene Hospital

Papua New Guinea serves community amid second COVID-19 wave

Nazarene General Hospital in Kudjip, Papua New Guinea, is battling its second wave of COVID-19 cases. In just a month, 140 patients have been diagnosed, and the Respiratory Isolation Ward has had as many as 22 patients in it.
22 Oct 2021
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Work and Witness Conference

Virtual Work & Witness conference unites global leaders

Work & Witness held its first virtual conference, uniting Nazarenes interested in missions work, site coordinators, and global leaders.
08 Oct 2021
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Florida Church dedication

Florida church turns stalled Work & Witness trip into local project

A Florida church helped gift a house to a local family after the COVID-19 pandemic scuttled the church’s plans for an international Work & Witness trip.
07 Oct 2021
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Argentina Missions

Argentina districts get creative to promote missions

Three Argentina districts recently developed events to help mobilize its churches in missions. The districts held the events online due the COVID-19 pandemic and hosted nearly 150 total participants.
24 Sep 2021
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Brazil Soup Kitchen

Brazil church reignites soup ministry to serve community amid pandemic

In the midst of the challenges brought on by the pandemic, Central Church of the Nazarene of Boa Vista / RR, Brazil, reignited its Sopão da Vida (Soup of Life) ministry to continue serving the community during the pandemic.
17 Sep 2021
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Korean Nazarenes

Korea church shares love with neighbors for 20th anniversary

Dawn Dew Community Church in the Cheonan Province of South Korea celebrated its 20th anniversary in August. In conjunction with the celebration, Pastor Kim Seong Leek and the church organized an event called “Love Sharing.”
17 Sep 2021
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Hortence Balibanga

Hortence and Jacques Balibanga (center), and some of their children.

Celebrating the life, ministry of Hortence…

18 Jul 2024
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Missions team makes impact in Philippines…

18 Jul 2024
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Arizona church sews thousands of dresses…

18 Jul 2024
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More than 800 Peruvians attend National…

18 Jul 2024
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