Certificate of Lay Ministry Accomplishments for March 2023

Certificate of Lay Ministry Accomplishments for March 2023

By The Discipleship Place, | 12 Mei 2023

Lay Ministry

DiscipleshipPlace.org would like to congratulate the following individuals for being approved by their pastor and local church board to receive the certificate of lay ministry. Upon approval, they will complete the Lay Ministry Courses.

Central Gulf Coast District

Jane Henderson of East Brewton Church of the Nazarene.
Nick Young of Valley First Church of the Nazarene.

Illinois District

Brett Stewardson of Pana First Church of the Nazarene.

Northwest District

Bob Allen of True North Church of the Nazarene.

Northwestern Illinois District

A Michelle Farris of Pekin First Church of the Nazarene.
Kristina Funk of Pekin First Church of the Nazarene.
Lacey Hunt of Pekin First Church of the Nazarene.
Otha Hinrichs of Pekin First Church of the Nazarene.
Greta S. Nash of Pekin First Church of the Nazarene.
Cheryl Sherwood of Pekin First Church of the Nazarene.

Missouri District

David Christianson of ComoNaz Church of the Nazarene.

We would also like to congratulate those who have completed the following courses.*

Brasil Grande Rio District

Rondineli da Silva Souza of 1° Igreja do Nazareno em São Pedro da Aldeia completed Organic Church.

Georgia District

Ron Gulliford of Griffin First Church of the Nazarene completed Youth Ministry.

Michigan District

Elizabeth Woolworth of Holt Church of the Nazarene completed Exploring Nazarene History and Polity.

RSA Northwest District

Monyama Petrus of Seshego Church of the Nazarene completed Mental Health in Discipling Communities.

Oregon Pacific District

Juan Martinez of Brookings Church of the Nazarene completed Discovering and Developing Christlike Disciple Makers, Mental Health in Discipling Communities, and Teaching: Lessons Learned from Jesus, the Master Teacher.

*Please note the above individuals are being recognized because they contacted us to request a certificate of completion. Many individuals complete courses but do not contact us to let us know, so we are unable to recognize them.