South Carolina church raises money for Bibles in Cambodia

South Carolina church raises money for Bibles in Cambodia

Nazarene News Staff
| 15 Jan 2021

West Columbia Central Church of the Nazarene in South Carolina was inspired to raise money to purchase 440 Bibles for Cambodia after God used a missionary’s story to prompt the church to get involved.

In late October, the church held a missions service where they watched a video about a missionary in Cambodia. The missionary tells a story about a security guard who was so happy to receive a Bible so he could return to his village and share about Jesus.

Victoria Walker, who is the wife of Lead Pastor Brent Walker, felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit during the video to get involved. 

“On this night, the minute I heard that they only had 300 Bibles and how happy the security guard was to get one, I heard God say ‘That’s what I want you to do…raise the money to buy Bibles in Cambodia,’” Victoria said. 

Unfortunately, COVID-19 restrictions had dampened the turnout for the missions service, which disappointed the church’s missions president. That disappointment sparked Victoria to get the whole church involved.

As she searched for ways to raise money, she found enough household items to hold a small yard sale. She then challenged the rest of the church to do the same, and they delivered.

Members of West Columbia Central brought prized guitars, a 70-inch TV with speakers, fine china, furniture, and more, filling up an entire room with plenty of items. Those who didn’t have time to find items to donate pitched in through checks. In total, West Columbia Central raised $2,200 for Bibles in Cambodia, which amounts to 440 Bibles.

Both Brent and Victoria characterized their church body as a very giving church.

“Anytime we have asked for the church to step up to the plate, they have,” Victoria said. “From food drives and blessing boxes, they step up. I guess I was just kind of surprised because it was kind of my dream and not theirs. It was for something that wasn’t local.”

The Walkers believe their church’s actions show a true family mentality. 

“It was our church family emphasizing the global church family,” Victoria said. “They did exactly what a family would do and just came right up beside me and just did all they could to help raise the money.”



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