Tell THE Story is a discipling method that helps individuals present the Bible in a way that is simple to receive, remember, and retell. More than two-thirds of the world's population can't or won't read. Some estimate that as many as 75 percent of all people learn, gather information, and live their daily lives without reading. They do so by listening and watching rather than reading. For an online brochure about Tell THE Story, click here.
Promo Video
Promo Video
Truth and Story
Nathan and David
Debrief - Process of Tell THE STORY
Pharisee and Tax Collector
Learning and Stories
Small Group Part 1
Small Group Part 2
Story The Bent Woman
Story - Jesus Calms the Storm
Drama - Jesus Calms the Storm
Story - The Bronze Snake
Teach - Lights Camera Action
Story - Man with Leprosy
Doing Theology - John the Baptist
Below are links to training audio, previously presented by The Discipleship Place. You can download the MP3 files.
Introduction to Tell THE Story
Learning the Stories
Studying the Stories
Delivering the Stories
Guiding Discoveries
Assisting Applications
Bible Storying Bibliography
Internet Orality Storying Resources
“Thank you for teaching this simple, foolproof method of sharing God's truth in His Word. I have never been more excited, or more confident in passing along this truth to others.”
--Sheree, teacher
“I shared the anointing of Jesus this morning in service. This is the first time I have shared a story instead of preaching on a Sunday morning. The congregation (about 75%) responded to the questions. The most vocal person was a lady I did not recognize. I thought she was a family member visiting for the holiday weekend. No, she was a new visitor and told those seated around her that she learned more this morning than any Sunday previous in any church. Praise God that our visitor HEARD the truth of Jesus and better yet, promised to apply the lesson He shared with her this week.”
--Brian, pastor
“I used the Tell the Story techniques in two children's church services this morning. We did the parable of the lost coin. I was astounded with all of the depth of spiritual truth that the holy spirit has placed in the hearts of kids. It was the best childrens church we have had in a long time. The kids were excited. I'm blown away!!! God is good. Thank you again for holding the training last week in KC. It has forever changed my ministry.”
--Thomas, children’s pastor
“On Sunday we went to another church deep in the bush. There were around 70 people there. I told the story from Matthew of Jesus walking on water. Juma helped me by translating, AND he did the second telling with deliberate mistakes (part of the Tell THE Story method). The people loved it! We did the questions together; and after the session, 40 people came forward to pray, some to be saved, some to be sanctified. We spent until 5:00 p.m. with the people. They were so excited. Juma will return there soon with a teaching partner, and they will do the whole course with another group.”
--Don, missionary
Active Tell THE Story Trainers:
For Additional Information
• Email: tellthestory@nazarene.org
• Phone: (913) 577-2800 / (800) 221-6317