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Determined to live

Pratima, a beautician by profession, lives in the state of Maharashtra, India. Her husband, Prashant, is a businessman and her two children, Levi and Silvi, are completing their graduate studies. Pratima's family is a devoted Christian family with a strong sense and availability to serve the Church
26 Jan 2018
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Mission briefing: 'Missionary'

People today use the word “missionary” in at least four ways: As a description for all Christians; As a label for people doing any kind of ministry anywhere; As a specialized category for anyone with cross-cultural ministry experience, whether that be long-term or for only a few days; As a title for
25 Jan 2018
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M+Power volunteer continues friendship with refugee families

One year after Anderson Sanchez volunteered at a refugee camp where he became close to some of the families, he spent three weeks visiting them in their new northern European homes. A university student in Manchester, U.K., Anderson gave the summer of 2016 as an M+Power volunteer. He joined other
13 Dec 2017
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Oral discipleship model growing the church in South America, Africa

17-year-old Kelvin in Colombia followed traditional religious beliefs as a boy, but he realized he was too dissatisfied with the practices of this religion at the time of his confirmation. He grew increasingly distant from his childhood faith until one day he encountered the JESUS film , followed by
08 Dec 2017
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Saving grace

Susan Mwenda hopes that her participation in the savings and credit association will enable her to expand her small business so she can send her children to school. In Lusaka, Zambia, a group stands in a dusty lot, saying their goodbyes against the backdrop of the setting sun. Each week, the same
08 Dec 2017
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Australia church opens doors to refugee community

Pastor Paul Spanos of Thornbury Community Church , a Church of the Nazarene located in a suburb of Melbourne, Australia, walked into the local council a few years ago and asked how the church could be of help to the needy in the neighborhood. They directed him to the social building where he met the
01 Dec 2017
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Reciprocal love

Benaia Freire Furtado had already been through a lot when she was first sponsored as a child in Brazil. Her father had recently died, preceded by a close friend only six months before. She had also moved with her mother and brother to a new city, where they didn’t have friends or family. She was
30 Nov 2017
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The price for serving refugees: Family forced to become refugees themselves

Despite the war that gripped *Lela’s country for many years, she and her husband had never thought of leaving. They were happy as part of their church’s thriving ministry to the many refugees who had fled fighting to find peace in their area. Then, their family was threatened. A masked person
15 Nov 2017
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Korean church planted in England

A group of Korean families were looking for a temporary pastor to help them form a church in Manchester, England. That word spread from Manchester to a contact in London and back to Manchester, where Eun Ho Kim and MiJa Wi were approached this past January while still involved at Nazarene
10 Nov 2017
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The garage that was too small for God

A four-person church plant that began meeting in a garage just two years ago has grown to 500 members and moved to its own building with room to continue adding new people to its church family. Pastor Ricardo Carvalho was discipling a small group as part of his obedience to God’s call to ministry on
02 Nov 2017
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In Memoriam

In Memoriam: 27 September 2024

27 Sep 2024
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Roam volunteers help wash tent at Salyer Lake.

ROAM Volunteers impact nazarene camps,…

27 Sep 2024
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Brazil Missions Trip

Missions trip in Brazil brings holistic care…

26 Sep 2024
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Superintendents' retreat offers renewal,…

24 Sep 2024
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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