
Henry and Connie Miller
Year Awarded: 1996"The Millers always have an encouraging word to share, and are continually spurring the youth on not only to memorize the Word, but to apply it to their lives."

Perry Jaynes
Year Awarded: 1996"Perry was selected as the most outstanding among youth workers mentioned for this award. He loves the Lord and is a worthy recipient."

Gerald Whetstone
Year Awarded: 1996"For Gerry, to live is Christ; He strives to live 'en Christo' and to be a faithful servant."

Ron Fox
Year Awarded: 1996Quote not available.

Glenn and Billie VanZant
Year Awarded: 1996"Glenn and Billie are both examples of people who enhance the value of the people around them. Truly people who have servant hearts."

J.D. Sailors
Year Awarded: 1996"J.D. has a great love for the youth of our region and gave sacrificially of his time, talent and treasures. Everyone needs someone like J.D. in their life."

Herb McMillan
Year Awarded: 1996"Herb's relational ministry style has lent itself to the mentoring of several pastors and youth pastors. His humble, gentle, servant's heart exemplifies Christ in all aspects of his life"

Bud Garber
Year Awarded: 1996"I've never seen a more involved pastor. Dr. Garber has never missed a teen camp, retreat, NYI convention or anything having to do with the teens of our district."

David Anderson
Year Awarded: 1996"Dave is a man driven for detail, yet has a soft and sensitive spirit in dealing with people. Never demanding or directing attention to himself, Dave quietly serves the Lord in an unselfish manner."

Terry Vance
Year Awarded: 1996"Terry loves youth and they know it. It is not a phony kind of love. He does not have a problem with setting a schedule aside to make room for helping a teen."

Robert Kring
Year Awarded: 1996"Bob has given approximately 18 years of service to youth and anyone who knows him knows that he loves the Lord and young people."

Connie Emmans
Year Awarded: 1996"Connie is one of those persons you treasure in the congregation. She is always willing; always conscientious; always flexible; and always has a servants heart."