Open door creates urgent need for evangelism in Bangladesh

JESUS Film Harvest Partners received an urgent request from field leadership after a door opened for evangelism in Bangladesh.
"We are trying to reach out with a strong effort in eastern Bangladesh as long as the doors are open," said Hermann Gschwandtner, Eurasia JESUS Film Harvest Partners Regional coordinator and field strategy coordinator for South Asia. "We never know when we will face opposition. This is why we are asking something bold - we want to start 10 new JESUS Film teams."
JESUS Film Harvest Partners needs support. The ministry asks people to:
- Pray for the leaders in Bangladesh as they identify and train people for this home-based missionary assignment.
- Pray for individuals with time and resources to deliver the equipment to the field.
- Pray for funds to purchase JESUS Film equipment for the 10 new evangelistic teams and ongoing support.
The ministry is looking for 10 volunteer partners to each deliver a 50-pound solar backpack equipment set to Bangladesh before August 1. Individuals need to fly into Dhaka, Bangladesh, and provide for his or her travel, airfare, food, and lodging expenses. Anyone interested in volunteering can contact Rusty Robbins, JFHP field services coordinator at rrobbins@JFHP.org or 913-663-5700, ext. 103.
Each solar-powered JESUS Film backpack set will help share God's love with thousands of people and will be used for years to come. The complete equipment set costs $4,000. Financial help is needed.
Checks can be mailed to JFHP, 15055 W. 116th, Olathe, KS 66062, with "Bangladesh" in the memo line. In Canada, checks should be made payable and sent to the Church of the Nazarene Canada, 20 Regan Road, Unit 9, Brampton, Ontario L7A 1C3, with "JFHP Bangladesh" in the memo line.
--JESUS Film Harvest Partners