First ever East Coast Holiness Summit held in Massachusetts

First ever East Coast Holiness Summit held in Massachusetts

by | 27 Jun 2019

The first East Coast Holiness Summit was held 1 June at Dorchester Second Church of the Nazarene in Boston, Massachusetts, where General Superintendent Carla Sunberg and New York District Superintendent Sam Vassall were the plenary speakers.

The summit’s mission was to discuss what holiness has to say about how the people of God enter into, interact with, and talk about Word-meets-flesh issues.

The event was organized by Dorchester Second Church Lead Pastor Victor Price with help from a steering committee comprised of several New England and Metro New York district Nazarene leaders, including Robert Benjamin, Cliff Hersey, Eustace MacDonald, Kyung Lyul Yu, Jeremy Scott, and Mat Thomas.

The Holiness Summit began with Sunberg speaking on “Holiness in the Context of the Church,” and workshops followed in the late morning and early afternoon.

Workshop leaders engaged participants on topics like immigration, racial harmony, restorative justice, and human sexuality from the framework of the Church of the Nazarene’s holiness commitment.

Sam Vassall closed the summit by speaking on “Holiness in the Context of Community.”

The event was well received, and the steering committee plans to continue organizing similar ongoing single-issue discussions throughout the rest of the year. They are also discussing how to restructure this particular summit as an annual or bi-annual event.

--New England District via NCN News submissions

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