NNU and AP Water engineering project

NNU team joins locals to build WASH project…

01 Jul 2024
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Coastal Sunrise

In Memoriam: 28 June 2024

27 Jun 2024
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Discover Missions

Discover Missions helps over 100 young…

27 Jun 2024
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Shuar Dress

Missionaries give hope, share gospel with…

27 Jun 2024
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AP Pks

Fellowship strengthens bonds in Metro Manila…

27 Jun 2024
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Upward Sports Greenville

South Carolina church uses soccer league to…

27 Jun 2024
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NDI USA/Canada Leadership Conference (LC2024) November 5-7, 2024

Nazarene Discipleship International

Nazarene Discipleship International Leadership Conference LC2024 will be here soon! It will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel downtown in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Our event begins on Tuesday evening, November 5, and continues through Thursday morning, November 7, 2024.

Reaching out Is Making Disciples

Nazarene Discipleship International
Making Disciples

All Christians are called to get involved in the Great Commission of making disciples. We must discard the errors of the past and begin to be a church responsible for discipling new brothers and sisters in the faith.

NDI at PALCON Matters Because of You

Nazarene Discipleship International

Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) is honored to be present at each of the three USA 2024 PALCONs. The opportunity to connect and network with you is always an honor our office does not take for granted.

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