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Worship services conclude with focus on faith

Sunday afternoon’s service – the final worship service of General Assembly 2017 – began with a special presentation led by the worship team and Leslie Hart focusing on children. A video reminded the assembly to pray for children at risk. General Superintendent David W. Graves opened with prayer and
26 Jun 2017
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Sponsorship surprise

During Sunday evening’s worship service, Benaia Freire Furtado, a former sponsored child from Brazil, met her sponsor, Judy Veigl, who serves as an administrative director at the Church of the Nazarene’s Global Ministry Center. When Benaia was young, her father died suddenly. Struggling with grief
26 Jun 2017
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SDMI nominates first representative to General Board

During the regional forums for Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International, each of the six world regions chose one nominee to be considered by the Global Council to represent SDMI to the Church of the Nazarene’s General Board. The following individuals were nominated: Irene R. Mpangana
25 Jun 2017
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Got hope? Share it!

Saturday night’s theme of “One Hope” began with an invocation by General Superintendent Eugénio R. Duarte. Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International Director Woodie Stevens highlighted the importance of SDMI throughout the world. “85 percent of all Christians come to Christ between
25 Jun 2017
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Kids Reaching Kids Big Event

On Thursday and Friday afternoon, more than 750 children attended the Big Event hosted by Kids Reaching Kids. Kidz Blitz, a ministry from Orlando, Florida, organized a high-octane gospel presentation including games and competitions. Children were challenged to have courage to receive Jesus, have
25 Jun 2017
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JFHP resources Spanish speakers to share Jesus

JESUS Film Harvest Partners hosted a workshop Saturday to further resource Spanish speakers as they share Jesus. Assistant Field Services Coordinator Daniel Herrera demonstrated an easy way to evangelize through the EvangeCube, which unfolds to share the gospel through pictures. The tool provides
25 Jun 2017
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NYI announces new chair, holds youth quiz

As nearly 750 delegates gathered at nine regional sites around the world for a time of celebration and reflection on the past four years, they also looked toward the future by electing a new global Nazarene Youth International council chair. Adiel Teixeira of the Brazil Rio de Janeiro Baixada
24 Jun 2017
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NYI stays true to core strategies

Three of the main sessions during the Global Nazarene Youth International Convention focused on the core strategies of NYI: evangelism (represented by “Be”), discipleship (represented by “Do”), and leadership development (represented by “Go)”. A spoken-word poem on each of these three core
24 Jun 2017
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SDMI, NTS highlight biblical engagement

Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International and Nazarene Theological Seminary hosted a breakfast Friday morning to address the importance of biblical engagement. The program featured a panel discussion facilitated by Dean Blevins and panelists Roger Hahn, Christine Hung, and Sam Harrell
24 Jun 2017
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One in Spirit

“One Spirit” was the emphasis of Friday night’s worship service, the second segment of the General Assembly theme “One Body, One Spirit, One Hope, One Lord, One Faith.” The service began with a greeting and invocation by General Superintendent J. K. Warrick before Global Nazarene Youth International
24 Jun 2017
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In Memoriam

In Memoriam: 27 September 2024

27 Sep 2024
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Roam volunteers help wash tent at Salyer Lake.

ROAM Volunteers impact nazarene camps,…

27 Sep 2024
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Brazil Missions Trip

Missions trip in Brazil brings holistic care…

26 Sep 2024
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Superintendents' retreat offers renewal,…

24 Sep 2024
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